
Field of Expertise
«SME Management and Entrepreneurial Practice»

Prof. Dr. Urs Fueglistaller

Prof. Dr. Urs Fueglistaller


The field of experience «SME Management and Entrepreneurial Practice» addresses the effectiveness of leadership, entrepreneurship and strategy, especially in the context of SMEs and innovative organizations, and specifically also delves into the question of how aesthetic qualities strengthen and expand the creativity and effectiveness of entrepreneurial experience, thinking, evaluation and action. 


Simon Grand

Prof. Dr.

Professor and Senior Lecturer for Strategic Management and Management Innovation

Büro 1-310
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St Gallen

Jörg-Michael Gasda


Research Associate, Postdoc

Büro 2-240
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St. Gallen

Pascal Schlegel


Research associate, Postdoc

Büro 1-352
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St. Gallen

Alexander Fust


Head of KMU-HSG Transfer, Member of the extended board KMU-HSG, Co-Director association «KMU-HSG Connect», Senior Lecturer University of St.Gallen

Büro 1-321
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St. Gallen

External researchers

Julian Grah, Christian Karaschewitz, Joana Racine, Felix Rüdiger, Andreas Schwendener 

Main research interests

  1. «Effective (SME-)Management and Aesthetic Practice»
    We understand and explain how and why aesthetic processes and practices are effective in entrepreneurial experience, thinking, evaluating and acting under uncertainty, in leadership practice and in designing consistent customer experiences, and enable inspiration through cultural and artistic contexts.
  2. «Entrepreneurial Management and Corporate Entrepreneurship»
    We ask what motivates and enables employees to engage in entrepreneurship within the context of an existing organization. In particular, we examine how learning and exchange relationships within the organization can increase the intention to engage in entrepreneurial behavior, as well as which structural and cultural measures support the development of conducive relationships.
  3. «Strategizing: A Process and Practice Perspective»
    We study how entrepreneurs, executives and supervisory boards enact the future value creation of their enterprises and thus strengthen their future agency by mobilizing creative practices of strategizing and embedding them in routinized strategy processes, in resonance with relevant strategic contexts. 

Publications (selection)

1. «Effective (SME) Leadership and Aesthetic Practice» 

2. « Entrepreneurial Management and Corporate Entrepreneurship» 

3. «Strategy: a process and practice perspective»


Teaching activities

  • Urs Fueglistaller, Alexander Fust & Pascal Schlegel: KMU Führungskompetenz (Master in General Management)
  • Alexander Fust, J.-Michael Gasda: «Capstone-Projekt» (Practice-oriented seminars at Bachelor level)
  • Simon Grand: «Management Studies: Forschungspraktiken I & II» (DOK Seminar, every two years)
  • Simon Grand: «Zur Zukunft des Strategischen Management» (MOK focus course, annually)
  • Simon Grand: «Kreation als Wertschöpfung: Unternehmerische Strategien in kreativen Ökologien erforschen» (MOK Practical project, annually)

Executive education

  • experience groups of entrepreneurs
  • study block in «KMU-Intensivstudium»
  • consistent customer orientation