
We co-operate closely with the following research fellows.

Research Fellows

Dr. Frank Halter

Dr. Frank Halter

Dr. Frank Halter studied at the University of St. Gallen and at HEC Genève, graduating in business administration with a lic.oec. HSG, and then completed his doctorate at the European Business School, graduating with Dr.rer.pol. He is the owner of f-halter gmbh and the initiator of the St.Gallen Succession Model ( He is also involved as a speaker in the field of succession.
His main topics are business succession, complexity and dynamics in family businesses, SME leadership and entrepreneurship, which are further developed in the context of his research, teaching, training and consulting activities. For practitioners, it is worth taking a look at

Prof. Dr. Susan Müller

Prof. Dr. Susan Müller

Susan Müller completed her doctorate at the University of St. Gallen. She received an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh and her bachelor’s degree (1998) from the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe.

Susan Müller is a research professor for entrepreneurship at Bern University of Applied Sciences from August 2020. Before that she was with the Swiss Research Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Gallen (2007-2012 and 2014-2020). Between her two stints in St. Gallen she led a research project on social innovations at EBS Business School (Wiesbaden). Before moving to academia, she worked as a consultant.

Susan Müller’s research focuses on three major areas: social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, and the link between entrepreneurs’ actions and success. Susan Müller, with colleagues from the KMU-HSG, co-authored the textbook «Entrepreneurship. Modelle – Umsetzung – Perspektiven» which is in its fifth edition from Springer Gabler in 2019.
