To strengthen the long-term realization of entrepreneurship's economic, innovative and societal potential, this research program - implemented through an innovative mixed-methods approach that includes actor-partner-interdependence approaches, meta analyses, and machine learning approaches – aims to develop relevant and interesting new knowledge about the antecedents and consequences of
- entrepreneurial personality (e.g. hypersensitivity, narcisscism, humility),
- entrepreneurial emotions and wellbeing (e.g. regret, satisfaction, passion),
- entrepreneurial health (e.g. mental health and mental disorders such as ADHD, physical health, stress, burn-out),
- entrepreneurial behavior (e.g. transforming entrepreneurial intentions into actions, proactive engagement in risky innovation and change processes in SME)
Key publications
Examples of outputs from this fields of expertise in the form of peer-reviewed journal publications:
Research focus on personality, emotions, health
Battisti, M., Gish, J., Hatak, I. & Zhou, H. (2024). Establishing a Recovery Menu to Increase the Resilience of Entrepreneurs. British Journal of Management, DOI: 10.1111/1467-8551.12827
Andric, M., Zellweger. T., Hsueh, J. & Hatak, I. (2024). Parental Divorce in Early Life and Entrepreneurial Performance in Adulthood. Journal of Business Venturing, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusvent.2024.106390
Andric, M., Hsueh, J.W., Hatak, I., & Zellweger, T.M. (2023). The impact of changing age and gender norms on entrepreneurship: A cohort study. In Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, BCERC Proceedings. Babson Park, MA, USA: Babson College.
De Massis, A., Eddleston, K. A., Hatak, I., Humphrey, R. H., Piva, E., & Tang, Y. (2023). Emotions in the strategic management of family business organizations: Opening up the black box. Long Range Planning, 102373.
Souitaris, V., Peng, B., Zerbinati, S., & Shepherd, D. A. (2023). Specialists, generalists, or both? Founders’ multidimensional breadth of experience and entrepreneurial ventures’ fundraising at IPO. Organization Science, 34(2), 557-588.
Stephan, U., Rauch, A., & Hatak, I. (2023). Happy Entrepreneurs? Everywhere? A Meta-Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Wellbeing across Institutional Contexts. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47/2, 553-593.
Caniëls, M. C., & Hatak, I. (2022). Employee Resilience: Considering Both the Social Side and the Economic Side of Leader-Follower Exchanges in Conjunction with the Dark Side of Followers’ Personality. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(2), 297-328.
Battisti, Martina; Hatak, Isabella & Zhou, Haibo (2022) Rumination and Entrepreneurial Well-being: It’s Complicated! Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 21 (2). 133-158. ISSN 1766-2524
Caniels, Marjolein; Nikolova, Irina; Hatak, Isabella & de Weerd-Nederhof, Petra (2022) Antecedents of COVID-19 rumination: A three-wave study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 63 476-483.
Andric, M., Hatak, I., Hsueh, J., & Zellweger, T. (2022). Socio-Historical Shifts in Life Stage at Entrepreneurial Entry and Their Performance Implications. In Sonia Taneja (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Gish, J., Battisti, M., Hatak, I., & Zhou, H. (2022). Establishing Recovery Menus for Entrepreneurial Resilience, Resourcefulness, and Well-being. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
Hatak, I., Chang, M., Harms, R. & Wiklund, J. (2021). ADHD Symptoms, Entrepreneurial Passion, and Entrepreneurial Performance. Small Business Economics, 57: 1693-1713.
Hatak, I. (2021). Mental health in entrepreneurship. In World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar, pp. 477-482.
Andric, M., Hsueh, J., Hatak, I. & Zellweger, T. (2021). Early-life Family Disruption and Entrepreneurship. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC). - Virtual Conference.
Hatak, I. & Zhou, H. (2021). Health as Human Capital in Entrepreneurship: Individual, Extension, and Substitution Effects on Entrepreneurial Success. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45 (1): 18-42
Carnevale, J. & Hatak, I. (2020). Employee Adjustment and Well-Being in the Era of COVID-19: Implications for Human Resource Management. Journal of Business Research, 114: 183-187.
Wiklund, J., Hatak, I., Lerner, D. A., Verheul, I., Thurik, R. & Antshel, K. (2020). Entrepreneurship, Clinical Psychology and Mental Health: An Exciting and Promising New Field of Research. Academy of Management Perspectives, 34(2): 291-295.
Wiklund, J., Hatak, I., Patzelt, H. & Shepherd, D. (2018). Mental Disorders in the Entrepreneurial Context: When Being Different Can Be an Advantage. Academy of Management Perspectives, 32 (2): 182-206.
Rauch, A., Fink, M. & Hatak, I. (2018). Stress Processes: An Essential Ingredient in the Entrepreneurial Process. Academy of Management Perspectives, DOI: 10.5465/amp.2016.0184.
Hatak, I., Rauch, A., Fink, M. & Baranyi, A. (2016). Business Start-Up, Burn-Out, and Start-Up Success. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 36 (5), Article 2, 116-12.
Research focus on entrepreneurial behaviour
Fink, M., Gartner, J., Harms, R. & Hatak, I. (2023). Ethical Orientation and Research Misconduct Among Business Researchers Under the Condition of Autonomy and Competition. Journal of Business Ethics, 183(2), 619-636.
Lekkas, C. K., & Souitaris, V. (2023). Bureaucracy meets digital reality: The unfolding of urban platforms in European municipal governments. Organization Studies, 44(10), 1649-1678.
Caniëls, Marjolein; Hatak, Isabella; Kuijpers, Koen & de Weerd-Nederhof, Petra (2022) Trait resilience instigates innovative behaviour at work? A cross-lagged study. Creativity and Innovation Management, 31 (2). 274-293. ISSN 0963-1690
Zeithaml, V.A., Verleye, K., Hatak, I., Koller, M. & Zauner, A. (2020). Three Decades of Customer Value Research: Paradigmatic Roots and Future Research Avenues. Journal of Service Research, 23(4): 409-432. (awarded Best Paper, out of all papers published in 2020 in Journal of Service Research).
Rosenbusch, N., Gusenbauer, M., Hatak, I., Fink, M. & Meyer, K. (2019). Innovation Offshoring, Institutional Context and Innovation Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Management Studies, 56 (1): 203-233. (top 10% most downloaded papers, 2018-2019)
Skute, I., Zalewska-Kurek, K., Hatak, I. & de Weerd-Nederhof, P. (2019). Mapping the Field: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature on University-Industry Collaborations. Journal of Technology Transfer, 44(3): 916-947.
Eggers, F., Hatak, I., Kraus, S. & Niemand, T. (2017). Technologies That Support Marketing and Market Development in SMEs—Evidence from Social Networks. Journal of Small Business Management, 55 (2): 270-302.
Rauch, A. & Hatak, I. (2016). Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Sized Firms: A Meta-Analysis of the Relationships between Different HRM Practices and Firm Performance. Journal of Business Venturing, 31 (5): 485-504.
Hatak, I., Harms, R. & Fink, M. (2015). Age, Job Identification, and Entrepreneurial Intention. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30 (1): 38-53.
Hatak, I. & Rößl, D. (2015). Relational Competence-Based Knowledge Transfer within Intrafamily Succession: An Experimental Study. Family Business Review, 28 (1): 10-25.
Hatak, I., Floh, A. & Zauner, A. (2015). Working on a Dream: Sustainable Organizational Change. Review of Managerial Science, 9 (2): 285-315.
- Journal publications
- Active conference participation
- Co-organization of international paper development workshops (e.g. AoM PDW 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, AMP PDW 2016) and conferences (e.g. DARE 2017, Rencontres de St-Gall)
- Regular reviewing of newest research as a member of the editoral board of ET&P and JBVI
- Cultivation of an interdisciplinary international research network based on joint projects and visits
Impact and transfer
We are not only interested in generating novel interesting and robust knowledge ideally enriching and stimulating the academic discourse in leading international journals, but are also highly committed to making our knowledge available to our students and (entrepreneurial) practice:
in the context of HSG lectures:
- e.g. «The Psychology of Entrepreneurship»
in the context of executive education:
- HSG diploma program in leadership and management of SME «Intensivstudium KMU» (incl. directorship «Intensivstudium KMU»)
in the context of guest lectures
- at WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Syracuse University USA, University of Twente, Chalmers University of Technology, KU Leuven, Erasmus University Rotterdam, TU Berlin, RUG University of Groningen, etc.
in cooperation with media partners
at scientific conferences
Social media