
Institute board

The KMU-HSG is a «largely autonomous institute of the University of St.Gallen without being a legal entity in its own right». As such, it is integrated in the bodies of the HSG. The Institute's «Executive Board» has the function of a board of directors. The Institute's Directors and the Board run the KMU-HSG's operative business.

Institute directors

Institute directors

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zellweger (managing director)


Prof. Dr. Urs Fueglistaller


Prof. Dr. Isabella Hatak


Institute Board (Executive Board)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieger
IMP-HSG, University St.Gallen
✝ Peter Eisenhut, lic. oec. HSG
Ecopol AG, St.Gallen
Prof. Dr. Klaus Möller
ACA-HSG, University St.Gallen
Katy Rohner
The Swiss Label, St.Gallen

Member of the Board of Governors (the Institute's «Godfather»)

Dr. Pepe Sonderegger
ks.treuhandexperten, Altstätten


Institute's directors 1946 to 2002
